My personal communication style is indirect and restrained. When someone cause offense to me, I will take examples to make him understand my feeling, instead of telling him directly. At the same time, I won’t express my emotions especially negative emotions. I always use this communication style for several reasons.
Frist, using indirect ways can help us avoiding to hurt people, at least, not too much. It is safe that making listeners think about what I really want to say, and in the same time, maybe they will understand me by using time to think.

And I won’t change my communication type, because it is not only connect with my individual expression of emotions but also connect with my cultural background. To most of Chinese people, we think expressing our emotions is shame. As a old saying says:” Scandal should keep in our own home”. You can see Chinese people won’t talk about these own business, especially scandals. That means we can not express our negative feeling, even we feel struggle.
Combining communication style and introversion-extroversion style, these are 4 type of people. I am the most negative one. Indirect way and reserved expressing are almost the same thing.
(1)Which type is your communication style you will take?Why?
(2) Are you a reserved one or expressive one?
(3) Do you feel the differences between your communication style and you introversion-extroversion?
(4) Do you want to change your communication style?
(5) Why you still using your communication style instead of changing?
You know yourself well River. Why might someone use a direct and expressive communication style? If you went to France, Algeria, or Germany and people did not get what you wanted to say through examples, what might you do?
I don't know maybe give them more time to change themselves(it sounds impossible) or just change my communication way. I am not sure.