Ok, l will talk about the marriage inequality in Japan. Let’s check this chart again.
First, I want you see the individualism part.Japan scores is 46. Certainly Japanese society shows many of the characteristics of a collectivistic society: such as putting harmony of group above the expression of individual opinions and people have a strong sense of shame for losing face. That’s why Japanese even don’t come out to their coworker, except close friends. They don’t want to be different to others and always want to stay in a group. In Japanese, they have a word “hitonami”. It means behaving as same as other people.

Last but not least, Japan,with a low score of 42 in indulgence , is shown to have a culture of Restraint. People living in this culture have the perception that their actions are Restrained by social norms and feel that indulging themselves is somewhat wrong. Falling in love with same-sex people is the thing that should be restrained.
Just move on the religion part.By looking this chart, we can know in Japan, the main religions are shindou and Buddhism. In shinto, they treat sexual love between 2 guys as unconditional good. It is allowed. In the Tokugawa period, some Shinto gods―among them Tenjin, Hachiman,and Myoshin, and Shinmei―came to be seen as protecting gods of nanshoku. In Buddhism, they treat sexual love between 2 guys as phenomenon.
In Japan, the frist step toward marriage equality are being taken in Shibuya.And the other places Setagaya,Iga,Takarazuka,Naha. They offer same-sex couples special partnership certificates.Still not equal to marriage certificates.But it is a useful tool in civil matters such as hospital visitation rights.
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